
Step 1. Select data

This wizard will help you to create a simple chart.

Once you're familiar with the basics, you can go ahead and create a new chart from scratch.

Since you're not logged in you currently have only the options to start with a custom JSON dataset.

Consider creating an account to use public APIs like Twitter & Facebook or simply copy/paste your data below:

Step 2. Make a query

For the data souce you slected you can try using one of these templates

Although there's much more you can do in the chart here are some of the most popular options

  • Search the frequency of a word

  • Group based on a key (no further selection required)

  • Define a numeric threshold of

On this field:

Step 3. Select chart

Now that you have your data source and query selected it's time to select the visualization.

Based on your previous options you can pick one of the following:

    Step 4. Confirm choices

    That's pretty much it. Hope that wasn't too confusing. Here's what you selected:

    Give your chart a title/description

    Click this button to complete the process

    Create my chart
    Now creating your new chart - will redirect shortly...